Our Mission We believe in the maximization of all potentials for multiplied increases within the shortest possible time. We believe that there is no one useless in the hands of God our creator and that God is able and ready to receive even the worst sinner, forgive their sins, take away their old and sinful nature, give them new lives and Spirit and them useful instruments in His hands. We believe in the fullness and power of the Grace of God.

Our Pastors

Pastor Lawrence Amajor
Lead Pastor
Pastor Lawrence is the Lead Pastor of the Union Foursquare Gospel Church, Elizabeth, New Jersey. Before relocating to the United States, Pastor Lawrence and his wife, Pastor Atim, served at various leadership levels and ministries with the Read More

Pastor Grace Amajor
Co-Lead Pastor
Pastor Atim is the Co-Lead Pastor of Union Foursquare Church in Elizabeth, NJ, and is the minister in charge of the Prayer team. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Theology from the Life Theological Seminary and is a powerful woman of prayer. Read More

Pastor Richard Adelani
Associate Pastor
Pastor Richard Adelani and his Family joined the Foursquare Gospel Gospel Church, Abeokuta, Nigeria in February 1987 and became a a member the same year. He has since held different positions, which which include Sunday School teacher, Christian Education coordinator Read More
Assisting Ministers

Brother Pablo & Sister Patricia
Hispanic Coordinators
Brother Pablo and Sister Patricia are the coordinators of the Hispanic arm of the Union Foursquare Church. Together with his family (wife and three children), they have served the Lord for 15 years. Their exciting walk with the Lord began in Alianza Cristiana y Misionera.Read More

Pastor Michael Adebayo
Assisting Minister
Pastor Micheal Oluwasegun Adebayo was born on the 14th of March 1973 and has a Higher Diploma in Mass Communication, as well as Diploma in Theology at live Theological Seminary. He pastored various churches under the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria Read More